Related Resources

In addition to the resources provided through PensionHelp America, the government agencies and resources listed below may provide assistance to individuals who have experience problems with issues related to pension issues.

Private-Sector Pensions
Railroad Retirement Pensions
Federal Civil Service Pensions
Pension Counseling and Information Program
National Pension Lawyers Network
Pension Assistance List
Seniors and Aging
Social Security
Medicare and Medicaid
Veterans’ Benefits
Elder Legal Services
Employment Law
Organized Labor
Financial Planning
Retirement Calculators


Private-Sector Pensions

U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration
The U.S. Department of Labor is the federal agency responsible for administering a variety of federal labor laws. The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) focuses on laws regulating disclosure of pension and retirement savings plan information, and the responsible management of plans and their assets. EBSA's Office of Participant Assistance responds to inquiries from plan participants about their legal rights, and about obtaining benefits that may have been denied.
Toll Free: (866) 444-EBSA (3272)

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) protects the retirement incomes of more than 44 million American workers in more than 27,500 private-sector defined benefit pension plans. PBGC was created by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to encourage the continuation and maintenance of private-sector defined benefit pension plans, provide timely and uninterrupted payment of pension benefits, and keep pension insurance premiums at a minimum.
Toll Free: (800) 400-7242

Internal Revenue Service
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is responsible for ensuring that pension plans comply with federal pension and tax laws. Contact the IRS if you have questions about the interpretation of specific provisions of the Internal Revenue Code as they relate to employee benefit plans. If you describe your situation, the IRS will explain the relevant sections of the law but will not interpret the provisions of your pension plan.
Employee Plans Hotline - Toll Free: (877) 829-5500
E-mail address: 


Railroad Retirement Pensions

U.S. Railroad Retirement Board
The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board provides retirement and disability benefits to qualified railroad employees covered under the Railroad Retirement Act, as well as spousal and survivor benefits for family members of qualified railroaders.
Toll Free: (800) 808-0772


Federal Civil Service Pensions

Office of Personnel Management, Office of Retirement Information
The Office of Personnel Management’s Office of Retirement Information provides general benefit information to federal employees about Civil Service Retirement and Federal Employees Retirement System pensions. Information relating to a specific problem must be requested in writing. Include your civil service claim number in all correspondence. If you are currently working for the federal government, contact your division's human resources department.
Toll Free: (888) 767-6738

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board administers the federal Thrift Savings Plan, a retirement savings plan for federal civil service employees with service after March 1987, and active duty and Ready Reserve members with service after October 8, 2001.
Phone: (504) 255-8777


Pension Counseling and Information Program

The U.S. Administration on Aging Pension Counseling and Information Program currently serves 30 states. Free legal assistance is available to individuals experiencing a problem with their pension, profit sharing or retirement savings plans.

Contact one of the pension counseling projects below if you, your company, or your pension plan are located within a project's service area. Assistance is provided free of charge. At this time, the pension counseling projects serve 30 states.  



New England Pension Rights Office   

Illinois Pension Assistance Project
Serving Illinois
Local: (617) 287-7307
Toll Free: (888) 425-6067



New York Pension Rights Office

New York Pension Rights Office
Serving New Jersey and New York 
Toll Free: (800) 355-7714
Local: (718) 237-5500



New England Pension Rights Office

New England Pension Assistance Project
Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont
Local: (617) 287-7307
Toll Free: (888) 425-6067



Texas Pension Rights Office

Texas Pension Rights Office
Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas 
Toll Free (800) 443-2528



Minnesota Pension Rights Office

Minnesota Pension Rights Office
Serving Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin 

Toll Free: (866) 783-5021

Iowa Pension Rights Office

Iowa Pension Rights Office
Serving Iowa
Toll Free: (866) 783-5021


Minnesota Pension Rights Office

Michigan Pension Rights Office
Serving Indiana, Michigan, and Tennessee 
Toll Free: (866) 783-5021

Ohio Pension Rights Office

Ohio Pension Rights Office
Serving Kentucky, Ohio, and Pennsylvania 
Toll Free: (866) 783-5021




California Pension Rights Office

California Pension Rights Office
Serving Arizona, California, Nevada, and Hawaii
Toll Free: (866) 413-4911 
Local: (916) 930-4911


National Pension Lawyers Network

Administered by the Pension Rights Center, the National Pension Lawyers Network is a no-cost referral service that connects workers and retirees with attorneys who can help them understand and enforce their pension rights. Learn more at

Pension Assistance List

A service provided by the American Academy of Actuaries, the Pension Assistance List helps individuals who need help calculating their pension benefits by connecting them with an actuary who can perform the calculation. Request a referral at

Seniors and Aging

U.S. Administration on Aging
The U.S. Administration on Aging provides home and community-based services to millions of older persons through the programs funded under the Older Americans Act. Programs funded by the U.S. Administration include home-delivered meals programs and nutrition services in congregate settings, transportation, adult day care, legal assistance or health promotion programs. PensionHelp America and the Pension Counseling and Information Program are also funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging.

Pension Rights Center
Founded in 1976, the Pension Rights Center is a consumer organization committed exclusively to protecting and promoting the retirement security of American workers, retirees, and their families. PensionHelp America is a Pension Rights Center website.  The Center provides technical assistance to the U.S. Administration on Aging’s Pension Counseling and Information Program.

Area Agencies on Aging
The Area Agencies on Aging are state-wide agencies that provide services to individuals in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.  Use the link provided below to locate an Area Agency on Aging in your area.

National Resource Center on Native American Aging
The mission of the National Resource Center on Native American Aging's is to identify and increase awareness of evolving Native elder health and social issues.


Social Security

Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration website allows you to apply for benefits, appeal a decision, receive an estimate of future benefits, find out if you qualify for benefits,  and more. 

The Social Security Administration website also provides Social Security Earnings Information statements and, for a small fee, provides earnings details on your past employers that paid Social Security taxes.  A free earnings history (with less detail) can be obtained by requesting a Social Security Statement.

National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM) is a membership organization that works to protect, preserve, promote, and ensure the financial security, health, and the well-being of current and future generations of maturing Americans.  NCPSSM acts in the best interests of its members through advocacy, education, services, grassroots efforts, and the leadership of the Board of Directors and professional staff.

National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives
The National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives is an association of more than 3,900 attorneys and other advocates who represent Social Security and Supplemental Security Income claimants. The website provides information about disability claims and contact information for their lawyer referral service.


Medicare and Medicaid

The Medicare website allows individuals to find out if they are eligible for benefits, send an application, choose/change their coverage, and more.

Medicare Rights Center
The Medicare Rights Center is a national, nonprofit consumer service organization that provides counseling and advocacy for older adults and people with disabilities. The Center also offers educational programs.

The National SHIP Resource Center
The State Health Insurance Assistance Program, or SHIP, is a national program that offers counseling and assistance to people with Medicare and their families.  SHIPs provide free counseling and assistance via telephone and face-to-face interactive sessions, public education presentations and programs, and media activities. The website connects individuals with a state SHIP and a local SHIP counselor.

The Center for Benefits Access
The Center for Benefits Access is a free service provided by the National Council on Aging, a nonprofit service and advocacy organization in Washington, D.C.  The Center helps organizations enroll seniors and younger adults with disabilities with limited means into the benefits programs for which they are eligible.

National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM) is a membership organization that works to protect, preserve, promote, and ensure the financial security, health, and the well-being of current and future generations of maturing Americans.  NCPSSM acts in the best interests of its members through advocacy, education, services, grassroots efforts, and the leadership of the Board of Directors and professional staff.


Veterans Benefits

Disabled American Veterans
Disabled American Veterans
represents veterans and their dependents with claims for benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense.

American Veterans
American Veterans
(AMVETS) has a network of trained National Service Officers (NSOs) accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Funded by the AMVETS National Service Foundation, these NSOs can be found in nearly 40 states, and provide assistance with compensation claims at no charge to the veteran.

National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP)
The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) provides a range of legal services to veterans and their families.

Defense Finance and Accounting Service
The Military Retired Pay Center administers retirement benefits for most retired military personnel. To apply for retired pay, contact your respective service component personnel office for application procedures. For questions regarding your military pay or survivor’s benefits write to or call the DFAS-Cleveland Center.
Toll Free: (800) 321-1080

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides information about veteran’s pensions and the eligibility requirements.  You can also submit a question to the VA Online, call their toll free phone number, or download an application for benefits.
Phone: (202) 273-5400

Ex-Partners of Servicemembers for Equality
is a national, non-profit, volunteer organization composed of former military spouses.  They provide information for spouses regarding separation and divorce from active duty, reserve or retired military service members.
Phone: (703) 941-5844


Elder Legal Services

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. (NAELA) is a professional association of more than 4,200 attorneys.  NAELA members assist their clients with public benefits, probate and estate planning, guardianship/conservatorship, and health and long-term care planning, among other important issues.  Their website allows you to search their member directory for an elder law attorney in your area.


Employment Law

U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division
The U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division enforces federal labor laws on topics including the minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, child labor and special employment, family and medical leave, migrant workers, lie detector tests, worker protections in certain temporary worker programs, and the prevailing wages for government service and construction contracts.

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has the authority to investigate charges of discrimination against employers who are covered by the law.  The website provides the contact information for their local field offices for individuals who have a discrimination claim.


Organized Labor

National Labor Relations Board
The National Labor Relations Board protects the rights of most private-sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve their wages and working conditions. Individuals who believe their rights have been violated, or feel that an employer or a union has engaged in unlawful conduct, may file a charge through one of the NLRB regional offices.

U.S. Office of Labor Management Standards
The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) of the U.S. Department of Labor administers and enforces most provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA). The LMRDA primarily promotes union democracy and financial integrity in private sector labor unions through standards for union officer elections and union trusteeships and safeguards for union assets. Additionally, the LMRDA promotes labor union and labor-management transparency through reporting and disclosure requirements for labor unions and their officials, employers, labor relations consultants, and surety companies.



BenefitsCheckUp is free service provided by the National Council on Aging, a nonprofit service and advocacy organization in Washington, D.C.  BenefitsCheckUp includes information on more than 1,550 public and private benefits programs from all 50 states and the District of Columbia and assists individuals with a variety of benefits and services ranging from financial, healthcare, housing and nutrition. 


Financial Planning

National Association of Professional Financial Advisors
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors promotes client-centered comprehensive financial planning. The NAPFA website's consumer information page allows you to locate a financial advisor near you, and a monthly newsletter, and provides other consumer-oriented information.

Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER)
The Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement has created fact sheets to guide women through the process of planning for retirement. 


Retirement Calculators

Social Security Benefits Calculator
The Social Security Administration has developed calculators that provide estimates of an individual’s projected Social Security retirement and disability benefits.  The calculator helps individuals with benefits they are currently receiving, and provides estimates of future Social Security benefits.

U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration – Retirement Planning Worksheets
Taking the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning, a publication of the U.S. Department of Labor, provides useful information and interactive worksheets to help individuals who are 10 - 15 years from retirement to determine whether their retirement savings are on track or if they need to make changes while there is time before retirement.

Office of Personnel Management Tax-free Annuity Calculator
Employees in the Federal Employee Retirement System, Civil Service Retirement System, or the Civil Service Retirement System-offset may use a tax-free annuity calculator provided by the Office of Personnel Management to receive a rough estimate of the federal annuity they would be entitled upon retirement. Calculation can include investments made in the Thrift Savings Plan.

AARP Retirement Calculator
AARP has developed a retirement calculator that may be used by single people, married couples and domestic partners who are still working and planning for retirement.